Monday, July 24, 2006

Puerto Viejo

I am in an internet cafe because I sensed some tension among the bros and me at my home and I don't think I should be using the internet there anymore. I took it up for three hours one day and I am going to try to not use it after that.
I went to Puerto Viejo with Marissa, Priti, Erin, Rebecca, and Carol. I really didn't want to spend a lot of money this weekend because I don't have any left so I asked Denni to not book a hotel for me. He found a bungalow for the girls that I think cost 20 bucks a night each. I only paid for the bus ride over there. So I took like 60 bucks, which I thought was a decent amount. I requested a place that cost less than ten bucks, so Denni recommended that I stay in this place called Rocking J's. I kinda had an idea what it was from our Becca (different becca). I knew that it was going to be this place with tents and hammocks. I get to Rocking J's and get a tent for only six bucks. There are a whole bunch of people who are awake and about around the complex/ campground. They were all drinking and being noisy. I brought earplugs but I lost one, so I tried to sleep with just one. The mattress and the pillow ended up being really comfortable and it was probably just as hot in my tent as it was in the girls' bungalow. There were community restrooms that were pretty clean. I was fine with staying there. I tried to go to sleep almost right away because I was tired from the trip. I put all my stuff in my locker after getting dressed and ready for bed. So it was a bit hard getting to bed with all the people outside, but I managed by putting my single earplug in one ear and laying on pillow with my other side. I woke up a couple of times when people got noisier or when they got back from doing wudeva' (that was for you). I woke up at some other point in the night to the sounds of some woman and a man having sex. I mostly heard the woman's sounds. Luckily it didn't last very long (really only a couple of minutes and I was back to sleep... poor guy). I woke up at 6:30. I didn't have my watch and I was afraid that I had slept in so I got up and checked the time, but then I couldn't go back to bed. I just sat in one of the hammocks (it reaked of body odor) for about an hour or so overlooking the ocean. Then I ate some food and the girls rode their bikes over to my place and told me that they were going to get breakfast. I rented a bike and spent a good half an hour trying to find them. I eventually did, but they were done eating. After that we rode our bikes about six kilometers to Punta Uva. It is an amazing beach. Everything was perfect about it (the weather, the water temperature, the sand, and there was hardly anybody there). We stayed there for a few hours, visited this little cave nearby and a cliff with breathtaking views, and then had lunch at a little soda like place. After that we went back to our respective "hotels" and washed up. I don't know what we did for a couple of hours. I know the girls were an hour late for dinner. I just walked around the main area of Puerto Viejo. I checked my email. I read your email and got an email from my dad about my dog. There was a friend of my family that had been visiting them for awhile and they wanted to take my dog back home with them. They live in Colorado and I assume that they are really active people because of that. So I told my dad that it was alright for them to take her, because I haven't been able to care for her while I have been at school and she has been kind of a burden on my sister for this year, so I figured that this was the best for her (my dog). It was really hard for me, because I love that dog so much, but I also want the best for her. I just talked to my dad again today and he said that the dad in the family fell in love with Bashley and the entire family really liked her and they live on three acres and all that, so this wil be best. We ate at this really good restaurant that took forever with our food, but my meal was really good. Then we walked around for a bit and walked to these clubs. We only spent like ten minutes there (I actually left early, so I don't know if they stayed longer). I went back to my camping place and wrote in my journal... hmm actually I didn't because that is how I killed some time before we met for dinner. Anyway, I got ready for bed and went to my new tent for the night. I chose this tent because it was bigger and further away from the main hangout table. I had just gotten in my pajamas and was putting stuff in my tent when I saw something move inside it. I walked up to the reception desk because I needed to tell the guy that I didn't have any sheets or a pillow in there and also tell him about the creature in my tent. So he walked back with my to the tent with a flashlight. I lifted up the mattress and there we saw a huge crab! The think was like dinner size. So we both walked away and he grabbed a dustpan and I went to my locker to put away all the things that I had been holding. I look back at my tent and see the guy whacking at the crab. The crab somehow got out of the tent because the guy had to walk a little further to continue bashing at it. I didn't want for him to kill it, but I suppose he did. So I had to wait another fifteen minutes for him to find a pillow for me. I entered my now crabless tent with my pillow and sheets and tried to close my tent but the zipper was broken. I had to go back to the guy and try to explain in Spanish my problem. He put my in another tent that wasn't much better. The mattress was much bigger though. I had lost my one earplug so I used my ipod to drown out the sounds from outside. I fell asleep to the Todo Sobre Mi Madre soundtrack. It is all really nice sounding Spanish classical music. I woke up a little after seven to a really warm tent. This time the tent was faced the sunrise.I got dressed to go to eat breakfast and go to the beach. I met up with the girls and we ate at a place called Bread and Chocolate. It was so good, but so very slow and the waitresses were terrible. I never knew someone could forget so many things even after writing the order down. Rebecca got sick and went back to her bungalow. After breakfast we walked around for a little bit. I had to ride the sick girl's bike back to their place and then come back to get my bike. We walked around for awhile and then parted ways to meet again at two. I went back to my campground thingy and went out onto the beach right outside my tent and layed down with my feet in the water. The water in these areas are pretty dangerous so I didn't go in any further. I showered after that then I had to ride my bike to the girls' bungalow to drop off the towel I borrowed from their hotel. I rode my back back to my place to return it and grab my bag to go back into the main city to eat and catch my bus. I was down to like 4 mil (I spent money on the tents, taxis, ice cream, meals, and the bike rentals so all that equals up to 56 dollars). I just got some cheap food at a convenience store instead of eating at a restaurant with the girls. The restaurant took a really long time and we almost missed our bus, but I got one of the last seats and then you know the rest. Oh and no car sickness this time either. I will post some pictures on my blog soon. I don't have my camera with me right now.

1 comment:

Nyssa said...

I think this is the most I have heard ab you since 8th grade!!!