Sunday, January 07, 2007

Home- Thus far

I have been home for three weeks now. I just realized that it has been three weeks. Classes at Rice start tomorrow so that is why I am blogging about how these three weeks have progressed. I am going to be going to Peru at the beginning of March. It is getting closer and closer each day so I am getting more excited. I am trying to save up some money for the trip so I got a job at Brueger's Bagel. It is a really easy job but the restaurant opens at 5:30 in the morning so I have to get up early for my shifts. The good thing is that they also close at 5 in the afternoon so I will never have to work late and I make 7.50 an hour, which is pretty good for fast food. Let's see. What else has been going on. Some serious stuff, but not stuff that has really weighed me down and caused me depression (read: I appreciate all of your concern as I say this, but it isn't something that has caused a huge amount of grief and therefore not anything anyone else should really go out of his or her way to comfort me. And read that as: I am not mean or cold hearted.). Anyway, my brother just was deployed to Afghanistan with the Army. He will be there for a year and a half. Actually, he has training in NC for two months so he will be going abroad when I am too. And my grandpa might have cancer. I am not sure what the status is on that though. He has lived through a lot and has come back from many things that would kill others.

In other news, Andi was in town for a week or so, so we hung out. It was nice to see a Rice person. I haven't seen that many friends since getting back. I went sledding with a friend from HS. The sledding wasn't so great, but it was a lot of fun to hang out with her. We are really similar (even born on the same day).

I house sat for my stepmom's sister for new years eve. They have cats and dogs and I was on so much medication for my allergies, but I am still sick from being there. They paid me 320 for the weekend though so I can't complain too much.

I really did think this blog was going to have more substance. I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I have been reading. So that is something new for me. I don't read very much. Even for classes. I read this book on the Gospel of Thomas, which was really good. I am also reading this book called Half Life (it is about conjoined twins or twofers) and a book called The Good Book (surprisingly, it is about the Bible).

Well keep in touch.

Isaias Torres

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