Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekend Volcano Trip

I just got back from spending the weekend in a city called La Fortuna, which is situated near a volcano. It was really amazing. We all left Friday afternoon and got there Friday night. The first night we went to this big club that was packed. I played pool the entire night and I was horrible at it. I am usually decent when I play at school, but I don't know what was up that night. After that I returned to the hotel and sat with a friend for a little bit with our feet in the jacuzzi water. There was a cover over the jacuzzi so we only removed some of it just to put our feet in and we just sat there awhile talking. After a little while some more people decided to get in the jacuzzi and they were these idiots from Kutztown (it is this college in Pennsylvania. I didn´t know about it before coming here, but there are about fourteen people in my group from the school and they are all idiots. I have a really bad opinion about Kutztown from these people and I pray that this school isn´t filled with people this stupid). They were really drunk and they removed the entire covering.At that time I decided to leave because I knew that they were just going to act stupider. I went back to my room and got ready for bed. There were three of us in my hotel room and we were all in bed ready to go to sleep. When we just started to doze off we hear these really loud bangs on our door- they were Kutztown people. So we sent our own Kutztown idiot (he refers to himself as a Super Senior= 6th year) to get it, luckily he didn´t actually answer it or else they probably would´ve come in. They banged on the door for awhile and finally left after yelling some stuff. The next morning we wake up to find dog crap thrown at our door. We also found out that they were thrown out of the pool for being too lound and they chased the owner around the pool when he was trying to remove them.
On Saturday we woke up early, ate breakfast, and took a van to the starting point of the canopy tours. Then we rode horses for about 50 minutes to the starting point of the canopy tours. I was freaking out when I saw the zip lines.
We hiked for a little while to the first zip line platform. It was pretty high up. I went on the zip line and everything was fine. It wasn´t bad at all. The views were amazing. This country is so gorgeous. We zipped past a waterfall. I got stuck on a couple of the lines which is a little nerve-racking, but only for a little while until one of the workers comes to get you. Most people get stuck at least once- I got stuck three times. It was really safe and I didn´t feel in danger at all. After that we went to this little Indian village that I am sure was fake where they put on a show for us and asked us to buy overpriced souvenirs. Then we went back to the hotel to get our swim suits because we were going to the hot springs.

The hot springs were amazing. This place was huge and they had all these different pools at different temperatures (they got really hot- up to 152 degrees). The water felt so good and it was really relaxing. We stayed there for a couple of hours and left to get dinner. I ate this vegetarian pizza in town that was really good. They don´t use mozarrella cheese and their crust is flakey and crispy, but it was quite good. I returned to the hotel and everyone was going back to the club, but my body was so relaxed that I just fell asleep on the bed.
This morning I woke up and just chilled on the porch looking outside my window at the volcano and playing some volleyball with Emily. It was a beautiful view. We left to go back to San Pedro (right outside San Jose) at noon and it was pouring really badly so we waited a little for it to let up. It was still raining (and still is) when we left. I sat next to Emily the entire way and we listened to a lot of music and watched crappy movies (Too Fast, Too Furious and Super Troopers). I just got home hoping that my Tica family would be here so I could eat, but no one is here (except my bro who just got here, and I am using his really nice laptop to write this), but there still isn´t food. Alright that is all. Tomorrow I am going to volunteer at this place called Center For Peace that is run by Quakers. I think I will really like it. I am not sure yet what I am going to do.

1 comment:

Nyssa said...

Was that girl in the first photo Emily? You look like you had fun!! ha ha
Those zip lines sound like a LOT of fun!!!!!