Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's been awhile

I said that I will try to keep updating this thing so here is another one.

It has been the first week of school and it has been really busy so far. O-week was incredible. I had so much fun. I can't believe that it is already over. I met really cool people. Part of the reaon I wanted to be an advisor was so that I met more people from other colleges, and it was a complete success. I met people that I know I will hang out with. I also now know people who play a lot of volleyball. There aren't many Lovetteers that play so maybe I will be able to meet up with some of these people later on to play. I had some problems last year feeling like I was alone and I got really depressed (that is the time that I wanted to transfer schools). Now I have a bigger variety of friends, like Christians, Non-Christians, and just other really cool people.

I said earlier that I am the student maintainence representative for my college so I have the pleasure of helping students move their furniture around. I was incredibly busy on Saturday when O-week ended and all the new students came back. Most of my work for the year is done. I have to check students into their room to make sure that everything in their rooms are fine. I made the mistake of thinking that I had to go to each and everyone of the students' rooms to go through the forms with them. That is roughly 120 rooms spread between six foors. I got through about half of them in two hours and then I was going to start up again when I realized that I could just do what the the SMR did last year and disperse the forms out to a person from each room and have them return the forms to me completed. I am such an idiot. Not only is that easier for me, but it makes a whole lot more sense and it is more likely for the student to list all the problems with their room when they had time to think about it instead of having them just answer me on the spot. So now my plan is to stratch the idea of going through each of their rooms and just make an announcement at lunch to pick up their papers. Now I can't believe I wasted those two hours.

I went to Ecclesia on Sunday. I also invited all these people to go with me. The service was pretty good. The regular church band (Robbie Seay Band- If you don't know who they are you need to check them out because they are phenomenol. They are pretty famous and have gone on tour with the David Crowder Band.) wasn't there and there was some other band there that wasn't as great. They played this song that RSB usually plays that is one of favorite. I don't know the name of it. One of the lines is God is bigger than the air I breathe. I just googles it and found out that it is called "My Glorious."

Classes started Monday. All of my classes seem great. I will go through my schedule. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Intro to New Testament Studies, Revolutionary Islam: Shi'ism, Commercial Spanish, and Weight Training; Tuesday and Thursday: Public Policy and Bureaucracy, Intro to Biblical Hebrew, and Photography. I am also working about ten hours a week at the newly renamed Digital Media Center. I am a Digital Media Consultant, but I don't really know how to do anything so I just sit at a desk and give people really basic answers to their problems.


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