Saturday, April 07, 2007

Dear Body,

I hate you. (This isn´t a self-hate or insecurity rant). Why must you always get sick each weekend? Can I go a Saturday without feeling like crap, even on my birthday?
Yours truly,

Here is the deal. We just got back from a two day Amazon River Cruise and our brilliant guide decided, ¨Why don´t we take a stroll through the fresh market on the busiest day in the heat?¨ So we did that, saw the disgusting sprawled out meat, saw dismembered tortoises lying next to another large tortoise flailing on its back, saw the chickens alive and dead, saw the mangey dogs running around and guess what guide? No one enjoyed it! That is a shocker. A couple of people felt really sick after the walk. My stomach has been bothering me since then and I have the headache of the century. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! It made me feel better and I was feeling really home sick so it helped with that too. My group bought me a cake too, but I didn´t eat any of it.

Darnit, I am missing a snake expedition right now because I didn´t feel well enough to go.

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