Thursday, April 26, 2007


Interesting turn of events for a trip that was planned a little over 24 hours ago.

My trip started out so perfect so I knew that something was going to happen later. I left my house at 8:30 am to catch a bus to the airport and I found the right one pretty easily and it only costs 1.20 soles (less than fifty cents, which is about 9.50 cheaper than takindg a taxi). My host mom said that it would take about an hour to get to the airport, but it only took half an hour, which is about how long it takes to get to the airport via taxi)! I get to the airport and I had my boarding pass already because I did the check in the day before, so all I had to do was walk through security into the terminal. That is when everything changed. My orginal flight that was set for 10:30 was cancelled. They told everyone to go to a different gate to get their next boarding passes so there was a mad rush in a small terminal to get to that gate. I was pretty far back in line, but luckily the boarding passes were passed out by order of check in. So I got on the earliest flight at 1:00 pm. I didn´t realize that the flight wasn´t a direct flight to Arequipa like my original flight so I asked the woman at the gate. She told me that it first goes to Cusco, then Juliaca, and then Arequipa (A three and a half hour flight compared to an hour and twenty minutes directly). Ignorantly, I told her that I was planning on taking a bus from Arequipa to Puno (which is where Lake Titicaca is), but I knew that Juliaca was way closer to Puno. If I were to go to Arequipa and take a bus it would take six hours, but if I take a bus from Juliaca (I might have that name wrong) it would only take an hour or so and it would be significantly cheaper. The woman said that I couln´t get off the plane at Juliaca because I paid for the ticket to Arequipa. She proceeded to get my seat number and then went into the plane and told the stewardess that I was going to try to get off at Juliaca. Oh I forgot to mention that I was put in the first class rows, which only means more leg room when you are traveling a short distance nationally. So I board the plane with every intention that I am getting off at Juliaca. So we first go to Cusco (an hour long flight) then we get to Juliaca (30 minute flight). The stewardess sees me getting ready to leave and she starts adamently telling me no that I can´t get off the plane and that she was warned about me. So that is when I shoot out the story that I had been preparing. I told her how I felt sick and I don´t want to continue flying, that I need to go to a clinic, etc... She wasn´t buying it. She said that the person from the cash register is coming on board and that she would explain to him that I was trying to get off early and how I was lying about feeling sick. So I stuck to my story. I bet the guy didn´t buy it but he was nicer. He asked if I had all my luggage, which I did (funny how things just fell in place earlier in the day so I didn´t have to check any bags)and asked for my boarding pass and told the stewardess that it was fine for me to get off. So I quickly left the plane. The guy said that I wouldn´t have to pay anything extra either. I go through a small airport and find this van that I just read about in my travel guide book that offers cheap trips to Puno. So I jump onboard for only ten soles (three dollars) and the van takes me right to my hotel. Well, not exactly my hotel, he stopped outside of one and yelled to a woman standing outside how much a room costs and she said "Cheap" then he told her that I found a hotel for 40 soles (13 dollars) and she said the room will cost 35 soles. So I checked out the room and then check out my original hotel and the other hotel wouldn´t lower its price so I went with the other one. So here I am right by Lake Titicaca. I am going to go to the various islands tomorrow and probably spend the night on one too. Then I think I am going to Bolivia because it is only three hours away and hopefully I can renew my tourist visa for another 90 days. I need to get back to Arequipa to catch my flight on Monday morning. I haven´t decided if I am going to take a bus Saturday or Sunday. I feel like I should spend some time in Arequipa because that was my original trip, but now I am not sure that it is worth just spending a day there. Maybe I can come back later.

First receive bacon in your hands, then throw it at your face.
You can dispense the bacon directly into your hands or into your face.

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