Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Hey sorry it has taken me so long to write up an update. I went rafting on Saturday and I had to write up a summary for my tutor. So I wrote it up in Spanish and I thought it would be funny to translate it back from English using an online translator.

Here is the original:
Me encontré con todo el grupo en la Pacífico a las ocho de la mañana para irnos a Lunahuana. El viaje a Lunahuana nos tomó más de dos horas pero el se pasó volando porque las vistas de la costa y los pueblitos eran hermosas y estuve con compañía agradable.
Primero, fuimos al Refugio de Santiago para tomar un tour del huerto y beber jugos. Cuando llegamos, no sabíamos que necesitábamos nuestro repelente y antes de que pudiéramos recogerlo, los bichos nos picaron. Me bañé con el repelente y los bichos me dejaron. Antes de comenzar el tour, bebimos jugo de tuna que era delicioso.
El huerto no era grande pero consistía de varios árboles y plantas interesantes. Después del tour, bebimos más jugo y nos relajamos por poco tiempo mientras estábamos esperando a otros grupos que iban a hacer canotaje.
El refugio no era tan lejos del sitio donde comenzamos a hacer el canotaje. Había una familia de europeos que olían horrible. Por supuesto, Kristina y yo nos dimos cuenta inmediatamente y nos alejamos de ellos. Después de vestirnos con los chalecos y cogimos los remos el guía nos explicó los mandatos y como sentarnos en la lancha. El paseo comenzó con la familia europea en frente de nosotros y yo hubiera jurado que podía olerla. Afortunadamente, la pasamos rápidamente. El paseo fue muy divertido y al acabar estábamos calados hasta los huesos.
Regresamos pronto al refugio para almorzar. El almuerzo fue interesante. No era malo y agradecía que hubiéramos eligido comida con pescado sin carne, aunque sí como pescado no quiero comerlo necesariamente en cada plato. Por ejemplo, el plato de fetuccini hubiera sido mejor sin los langostinos porque ¡los hemos comido en cinco platos! Después del almuerzo, comimos helado de la fruta del refugio. Algunos sabores no eran tan ricos como otros, pero todos los jugos eran bastante ricos.
Salimos el refugio y decidimos que no era necesario parar en las ruinas (¡gracias a Dios!). Empezamos la vuelta a las cuatro y media. Estábamos cansado y algunos de nosotros dormimos un poco durante el viaje. Cuando estuvimos cerca de Lima, el sol tenía un color rojo fuerte mientras estaba bajando. En sí, el viaje fue el escape perfecto de Lima. Espero que el proximo viaje sea tan relajado come este.

I was the group in the Pacific to eight yet in the morning to go to us to Lunahuana. The trip to Lunahuana took us more than two hours but it went flying because the views of the coast and the pueblitos were beautiful and I was with pleasant company.
First, we went to the Refuge of Santiago to take tour from the orchard and to drink juice. When we arrived, we did not know that we needed our repulsive one and before we could gather it, the tiny beasts itched to us. I bathed with the repulsive one and the tiny beasts left me. Before beginning tour, we drank bigeye tuna juice that was delicious.
The orchard was not great but it consisted of several trees and interesting plants. After tour, we drank more juice and we relaxed nearly time while we were waiting for other groups that were going to make boating.
The refuge was not so far from the site where we began to make the boating. There was a family of European that smelled horrible. By all means, Kristina and I realized immediately and we moved away of them. After dressing in the vests and we took to the oars the guide to us explained mandates to us and like seating us in the boat. The stroll began with the European family in front of us and I would have sworn who could smell it. Luckyly we passed, it quickly. The stroll was very funny and when the finishing we were pierced until the bones.
We return soon to the refuge to have lunch. The lunch was interesting. He was not bad and it was thankful that we had eligido eaten with fish without meat, although yes as fished I do not want to eat it in each plate necessarily. For example, the plate of fetuccini would have been better without the prawns because we have eaten them in five plates! After the lunch, we ate ice cream of the fruit of the refuge. Some flavors were not as rich as others, but all the juice was quite rich.
We leave the refuge and we decided that it was not necessary to stop in the ruins (thanks to God). We begin the four return to and average. We were tired and some of us we slept a little during the trip. When we were near Lima, the sun had a red color hard while it was lowering. In himself, the trip was the perfect escape of Lima. I hope that the next trip is so relaxed eats this.

Haha the translation is so horrible. I also didn't take any photos. Sorry!


3rdCrow said...

Hey Isais, long time no talk huh? hehehe, glad to see you're doing great, just thought id post something, you can check out my blog as well if you like....

David said...

Hm, so this means that either you need to stop using online translators....or your Spanish is horrible.