Monday, April 16, 2007


For a country full of people who seem so completely unconcerned with getting anywhere on time, they do seem to be in quite a hurry. Does honking your horn really help people twelve cars ahead of you realize that the light turned green only half a second ago? I really don't think so. And I really don't think you need to constantly beep your horn at every single car that is waiting to make a left turn- they can see you coming and there isn't anything obstructing their view so why do you honk; especially when you are going to slow down anyway? Or people for that matter, I can see you. You are about twenty times my size. Stop slowing down- I don't need a taxi. If I needed a taxi I would have waved you down, and I am not standing on this street corner passing up ten taxis that came by right before you just so that you could catch a ride from you and you smelly, beaten up thirty year old Escort.

I don't recall ever actually being taught how to walk correctly on the sidewalk or in crowds but that is one skill that is completely lacking here. You must have seen me walking. I stick out like a sore thumb! My skin is white and I am about a head taller than you! You probably noticed that I was walking quickly too, that is because I have to be somewhere. Yet you turn right in front of me and walk incredibly slow and right in the middle of the sidewalk so passing you means hopping off the side walk and doing a little three or four step jog just to pass you.

Are you testing your car alarm, or did you honestly forget that you have one? Do you know how it works? Obviously not because they are constantly going off. They don't just go off for ten seconds (the time it should take for you to disarm it) but at least 30 seconds to a minute. You have made it obvious that you are an idiot, and if it takes you that long to turn off your car alarm then you probably deserve to lose your car.


Anonymous said...

I think most Hispanic and European
Countries are known for aggressive driving. I don't understand it either but Hispanic and Europeans are very inpatient when driving. Maybe it is because we are always running late...........Good observations
Great looking empanadas, your grandma is very proud of you.

David said...

Hm....replace the words Peru with Egypt and Hispanic with Arab, and that would fit my rants from Cairo exactly (except the car alarm part - most cars in Cairo are way too old to have something as technologically advanced as that).

Anonymous said...

Hi: Me and your Auncle Mike we read your "RANT" it was so funny,we laugh and enjoy your sense of humor from this country. I remember those days from Chile...I so proud of you thast you how to make empanadas, my kids need to learn...We miss you and I hope to see you soon.
Takecare of yourself.
Auntie, Auncle and cousins