Monday, March 12, 2007

First day of classes

Well classes started today so I will probably not be able to take as many photos anymore. I could whip my camera out on campus but I would rather be a little more inconspicuous. Somethings to note about the University: young Peruvians are significantly better looking than those who I have met so far, I am above average height here- not by much but it still feels good to not seem so short, and there is a gym on campus- it isn't too bad either, I think it is pretty comparable to Autry. I had two of my classes today. First was Biblical Anthropology at 11 and then Sociology at 3. I went to the wrong room for my Anth class and got up abruptly and left the room when I realized that I was in the wrong room. So I found the right room and sat down and was handed a Syllabus. The professor spoke pretty slowly so I could actually understand almost everything. Then I had my long break and I went home ot get lunch. Then I went back to campus and decided to find my other classes for tomorrow's classes so that I won't get lost again. My other class was boring. The teacher seemed nice and I thought it was a good thing that he used a microphone, but I couldn't audibly understand him. He didn't speak quickly but I think his voice was muffled. So I basically didn't get anything out of the entire hour of the class. So I am not sure if I am going to stick with it. I think I will go again and maybe sit in the front row so that I won't be disrupted by the microphone. Tomorrow I have a history of art class in the morning and Anatomical Art in the afternoon. I think those will be more fun, but we will have to see. I attached the one photo that I took today. It is inside a Micro (one of the forms of public transportation).

I am watching Star Wars Episode 1 on TV and I noticed that the Spanish subtitles don't use backward sentences like they do in English and I can't imagine who they try to translate Jar Jar Bink's character. Also I only realized now how horrible the acting is.

Look at the teddy bears!

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