Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Birthday

I am feeling better after the pity party I threw for myself in my last post. And I know that the biggest question on everyone's mind is "What can I get for Isaias for his birthay while he over in another continent?" Don't worry, my birthday isn't for another two weeks which would give you time to send me something! Actually, I am not sure how long it takes for postage to get here, but I don't think it would take more than three weeks.
Here are some ideas:
- I am craving American desserts, especially chocolate chip cookies and funfetti cake w/ funfetti frosting
- Arizona Tea Brand Sweet Tea
- Garden Burgers (I am not sure how one would send a frozen food here though)
- Mental Floss magazine
- Buy a plane ticket to come and visit

I guess that some of those aren't logistically possible. Maybe you can send me the ingredients for the cookies and I could make them here though.

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