Thursday, March 29, 2007

I am in quite a good mood.

I attached my photos from the beach and a video below. Please check them out. (If your are reading this on facebook then I think you have to go to my actual blog to view the videos

I am in a really good place right now. Tom Jones' song Sexbomb just came on on my iTunes and that is enough to make anyone happy, but I found something better to do than just go on the internet all day (except right now). I joined the Men's Volleyball team here! I have only been to two practices but it seems like a lot of fun. And by fun I mean that it is a lot of work but I am actually able to do it. My first practice was yesterday night at 8. We didn't actually do anything for a good fifteen minutes (Peruvian Time= Scheduled time +15 to 20 minutes), but then we started stretching and doing some leg training. We did this thing to work the Quads and then the experienced players set up these pyramid things to work on jumping. The pyramids came up to about my hips and I really didn't think that I could jump on top of them, but I tried and I could! So there were two set up so that you do the second one immediately after doing the first and I could jumpt on top of both without having a problem at all! We did those for awhile and then we went on to jumping and clearing each pyramid, which I could not bring myself to try. So I just kept doing the jumping on top thing while they were jumping over. After that we went to the volleyball court outside (the one inside wasn't up because there was a basketball game or something) and started warming up our arms and then bump, setting, and hitting (which has a way cooler name here- matar or "to kill" which is what we call it in the states, but it just seems cooler in spanish) to each other. I completely sucked! I haven't played in awhile and I get really nervous with playing with new people for the first time, so all my sets were bad and I have never been a good hitter so that didn't go well either, but my partner was nice about it. Afterwards, we had hitting practice where there are three lines and one setter and the setter sets one line for awhile on the left side of the net and then the middle and then the right side. Again, I completely sucked. But here is the good part, we played a six on six game and I played well, and I didn't have any service errors and all my serves were actually really good! So that got out at 10:30 at night and then I had to go to the store before going home because the next day (today) we were going to make chocolate chip cookies and I didn't think there would be chocolate chips at the grocery store near my house. I barely had enough money to pay for the bus ride home and I could only afford it because I had my university ID which saved me 20 centimos (about 10 cents) so it cost 80 centimos for the ride and I had 90. I could hardly sleep when I got home because my body was so awake from being active that late.

I had volleyball practice again this morning at 10, so I went to the campus and I was the only one there to practice. The coach told me to run around the soccer field for 15 minutes, then I did the quad workout thing, then crunches, then the jumping thing (30 times!), then the jumping over thing (15 times- we lowered the height of the pyramids), and then push-ups, and that was all. I was there for about an hour after the fifteen minutes of running, so I wasn't moving very quickly, but it was really tough. Right next to me there were these girls practicing the correography toN*Sync's Bye, Bye, Bye. But I only heard the first forty five seconds because they were only practicing that part- so imagine listening to that for an entire hour (roughly 80 times)! I didn't even get to play volleyball after that because neither of the courts were set up so I just went home and had lunch. I was so tired of having fish everyday so I went to the store this morning with the Empleada (Maid) and got stuff for a salad. So, I am not sure how many people have been around me after exercising, but I get in a pretty pissy mood. Like I feel great mentally, but I am extremely irritable. It is a shame and I wish it wouldn't happen, but it does and I got so irritated at the empleada during lunch. She is just so annoying! I don't want to go into details of what she does that annoys me, but just take my word for it. I ate lunch and I reaked from working out so I jumped in the shower quickly before going to a meeting with my group about our trip to Nazca tomorrow. The meeting was informative, but long and I really wanted to get home so that I could make the chocolate chip cookies that I have been planning for a week. I gotr home around 3 and Maruja- the empleada- and I started making the cookies. I went through the recipe and she was helpful, but was still getting on my nerves. Like she didn't understand that I didn't want her sticking her finger in the mix after she had just stuck that finger in her mouth. Anyway, the cookies turned out really well and I think I am going to make something every Thursday (it is my day off from school- the beginnig of my weekend). Despite being irritable, I am in a really good mood (I don't know if that is an oxymoron).





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