Saturday, March 10, 2007

Best Tour ever!

I was supposed to go to the beach today but those plans fell through. So I went to the complete opposite side of the city to a place called La Punta in Callao (I think it is even a different city. Maybe it is a subdivision). I didn't know exactly what to expect or where to get off so I got off once we got through a very bleak city. I saw this fort looking thing called El Museo del Ejercito (and like an idiot I first thought it was a museum about exercise and was confused by the amount of military personnel outside and then I remembered that ejercito meant army). So I walked past that and went to the dock and saw this submarine. It looked kinda crappy but I decided to go ahead and buy a ticket to go down inside of it. And I am so glad I did! That was the best tour ever! First it started with a video about the Peruvian Navy (they were the first in South America to have a submarine). I didn't want to watch it and was annoyed that they forced me to, but I sat through it trying to avoid the English subtitles until I realized that they were hilarious. So I started just reading those and then I was laughing because it was like a bad Babblefish translation. I was in a room full of Peruvians who weren't laughing so I am sure they were confused by what I thought was so funny about a very dry history of Peru's navy. I started snapping photos but I missed the best lines. Well I attached the ones that I caught anyway. And the actual tour was almost as good too. We went down into the cabin? hull? and the tour guide started by describing the torpedoes. I don't think I listened at all. What I liked about the tour was that they had maniquines set up where the people would be in an actual submarine (cooking, typing, andI think one was on the toilet). So I took a lot of photos of everything. Then the final room of the submarine. I am glad this was a surprise. The guide explained that they would then show a simulator of what an actual attack would be like. So he turned off the lights and started the simulator. I uploaded it on YouTube and added it below. You can't view it on facebook so you have to click on View Original Post or go to Oh and I realize now that I gave the wrong flickr address. It is
Hope you enjoy the video. Oh and I returned to that Exercise Museum for a little bit.

Funny English
And his strange metallic creature enters in to the deeps of the ocean
Parascopic View
Nuns are funny when they do non-nun things


David said...

Hm...I still can't figure out how to get to the youtube video.

Isaias said...

It doesn't load with the rest of the stuff? It should load with a Play button in the middle and then you click on the play button and then it might take a while for it to download or find it but it should start playing soon. Here is the direct link